Building relationships, delivering outstanding service and ensuring that your client is always a priority. These are values that are a part of every day life here at SimkissGuy. They are not ground-breaking or revolutionary, which is why I find it shocking that these values that are so often taken for granted.
Whilst extolling the virtues of BPS Birmingham Aspire events to the business community this week, I had a chance encounter with an organisation that was extremely frustrated with the service that they had been receiving from their chosen recruitment partners – of which SimkissGuy were not one, I hasten to add!
Relieved that the reason for my contact had nothing to do with recruitment, they then went to great lengths to ask why I thought they were experiencing so many difficulties in their recruitment process.
Most of the issues were down to lack of understanding and care in managing what was needed, especially in a market where candidates were moving quickly. As we discussed further, and I considered their experience, it really brought home the fact that sub standard service, particularly in the SME market, will damage growth and potential for a firm, which is the exact opposite of what the business community should be trying to do.
It is often said that personal stories are the strongest, which is why this client’s experiences really hit home. There are few organisations that hold service dear and see their clients as a priority. The values that we hold dear at SimkissGuy now seem even more unique to me, and I am proud of the fact that our aim is to deliver nothing other than truly outstanding service.
It seems positive relationships can absolutely make a business.
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