Supporting city-wide initiatives –
Addressing key issues

Supporting local charities and initiatives is an integral part of the SimkissGuy ethos.

We know that there are amazing people in our region who are all doing what they can to make our community the best that it can be. Supporting local charities and initiatives is an integral part of the SimkissGuy ethos, and as such all members of the team dedicate around one day a month to good causes.

We champion a number of third-sector organisations, who all do amazing work to help people across the region, not just through regular fundraising, but also by providing a platform for their causes to be heard by a new audience by speaking at one of our events.

Over the years, our MD Rebecca has held a number of high-profile leadership and Trustee positions with charities across the region, including spending 2 years as Chair and 6 years as a Trustee of LoveBrum, a registered charity that supports hidden gem projects across Birmingham that are often volunteer led and that deliver real change for our region. The charity supports ‘hard-to-reach’ projects; those causes that do not receive the platform or funding that they probably deserve. Supporting over 36 projects per year, LoveBrum reaches out to all corners of our city and reminds people how great Birmingham is. Importantly, every penny raised from LoveBrum’s individual memberships and fundraising stays in Birmingham and goes straight to the chosen causes. By inviting LoveBrum projects to speak at our events, we encourage everyone to get involved and unite businesses and individuals across Birmingham. Find out more about LoveBrum here.

Never ones to shy away from an awards night or two, and having been the proud nominees and winners at a number of prestigious local business awards ourselves, SimkissGuy are also incredibly proud to have sponsored several leading Birmingham events, including the BPS Birmingham Future “Birmingham Young Professional of the Year Awards” for 5 years and LoveBrum’s annual “Curry King of Birmingham”, which look to showcase the city’s young talent and charitable initiatives respectively.

If you are a charity and would like to have the opportunity to speak to us about being showcased at one of our events, then we’d love to hear from you, please contact

Giving back, it’s important.

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