This week our very own Becky Simkiss was invited to interview by Daniella Genas, the strategy and innovation expert, who uses her platform She’s The Boss International to shine a light on ambitious female entrepreneurs.
Becky and Daniella discussed how SimkissGuy came to fruition and Becky’s journey with growing and managing the business, since its founding in 2013. She was keen to highlight that the company’s successful growth has come directly from the values and principles established at the early stage of creation – and these have remained at the heart of the business ever since. It is these very values, alongside a strong working partnership with her Co-Founder Richard, loyal clients who have followed Becky’s career to-date and support from the wider business community which have led SimkissGuy Recruitment to where it is today.
Becky has always championed the importance of building a strong personal and business brand, and this ethos shone through in the interview as key markers in ensuring the business is consistently moving from strength-to-strength. Beyond the Boardroom, Becky also notes that her numerous appointments across the city have been a real factor in helping her develop as an entrepreneur: always being selective of the organisations and networks to be a part of and most importantly ensuring that these are causes she is passionate about – most notably mentoring, professional development and shining a light on hidden-gem charity projects across the region.
Alongside this, Becky voiced her most notable, key successes during her career to-date and illuminating some of the challenges which she has overcome along the way, alongside sharing her best advice for future potential business owners who maybe thinking about taking the first or next step toward building their own business.
For access to all the details and insight discussed, simply follow the link here to watch the interview in full –
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