SimkissGuy recruitment has propelled my career in my first two months further than I ever expected. I now have a deep understanding of the corporate world, and how the unique SimkissGuy approach is put into place.
In the beginning, I think it was fair to say I was thrown in the deep end by attending my first Networking Event,
SimkissGuy’s very own, Colmore Cocktail Club. As a young professional I felt out of my depth. It was all very new to me, talking to successful professional’s that I had never met before. However, in recruitment confidence is key, therefore as I continued to network I found it much easier to learn more about other professionals and their careers.
In my first month as part of the team, I learnt a range of different skills, and have adapted to the working environment. I now have regular communication with all SimkissGuy candidates, ensuring they receive weekly updates from us to know how we are getting on in searching for their next perfect role. My responsibility to protect our relationships with our candidates has made me realise how important emails and regular phone calls are.
I have also embarked on a new world of corporate social media. I’ve learnt how to ensure we are sending engaging, fresh posts every day, that are interesting for our followers to read, this includes promoting events, giving our followers an insight to the SimkissGuy team and promoting the Colmore Business District. This has helped me to grow new skills and learn a new tone of communication which is appropriate when posting anything to the general public.
In just four weeks, I feel I have learnt a huge amount about myself, my future career and the corporate world within Birmingham. I am far more excited about this chapter of my life than I ever thought I would be.
Meet SimkissGuy
> The SimkissGuy story
> Meet the team
> SimkissGuy values
> Testimonials