My First Quarter At SimkissGuy – Emily Rose

It doesn’t feel like only 5 months ago I was spending my nights in the library, trying relentlessly to absorb as much information as I could for my final university exams. I have become accustomed to the SimkissGuy way of life so quickly.
I knew I was going to enjoy my role as a Relationship Manager, having spent the year before on an internship. But I have to confess, it surprised even me how much I look forward to getting up and being in the office. I remember my first week so vividly: sitting down at the desk bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but equally with no clear idea of how I was going to master all my training, or how I would ever feel confident in the role I would play within SimkissGuy Recruitment.
And yet now here I am, 13 weeks down. Spending my days immersed in the stories and lives of others, instinctively knowing what needs to be done to keep the office running. There aren’t many graduates who are given the opportunity to host their own networking events, or allowed to take on a role with such responsibility – but I’m lucky enough to say that I have been.
The last 3 months have been a learning curve to say the least, and I don’t doubt that will continue for the foreseeable future. But I relish the challenge and can’t wait to see what the next few months of 2015 bring.

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