West Midlands Women’s Voice – a collection of women working together to support the West Midlands Combined Authority in setting an agenda for economic growth and better social welfare – have announced details of their next virtual Coffee & Cake: Career Conversations event, being held on Wednesday 12th May from 12-1pm.
The event will focus on developing entrepreneurial mindset, and attendees will be joined by a panel of experts sharing their thoughts and expertise of how best to navigate the start of an entrepreneurial journey, ensuring both you and your business are able to successfully navigate the challenges ahead in the current economic climate. They will be covering topics such as funding and business support opportunities, the relationship between personal development and business development and tips for developing both business and personal resilience.
The panel will include an Executive from The Princes Trust, a Fund Executive from THE FSE Group (who work to provide funding to SME businesses), the Interim CEO of the GBSLEP, and will be hosted by our very own Becky Simkiss – herself an entrepreneur, Vice-Chair and Trustee of local charity LoveBrum, founding Board member of West Midlands Women’s Voice and former Chair of BPS Birmingham Future.
This event definitely isn’t one to miss and attendance is completely free, so to sign up or for the full details then simply click here.
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